The Salto of Santa Rosa located on the Highway libre Tijuana - Ensenada at Km 76, in Ensenada, Baja California. A tourist destination par excellence thanks to its natural beauty, landscapes and spectacular natural waterfall. Within its flora are " the Encinos are trees or shrubs that live in the lower parts of the mountains where they form forests of various species of oak or mixed with various species of pines ... They have tough leaves ( leathery ), with smooth margins , closed or wavy. Its flowers are catkins and fruits are acorns. " [ 1] There is also sage, a plant with medicinal uses and use for rituals purification, among other uses.

El Salto Of Santa Rosa

Some of the ethnic groups still present are descendants of linguistic throne Yumano among them are the Kiliwas, the Kumiai and Pai Pai. [3 ] A curious fact, these ethnic groups used acorns from oak trees as part of their diet, between other seeds. They also used the wood from the trees to build bows, arrows, sticks to hunt among other artifacts.
Part of the charms that you can enjoy in El Salto are the magical starry nights, full of peace and quiet that in the city you can't have. There is also the legend that there are elves, fairies and portals that are in the mountains. Others say they have seen UFOs, is said to be a mystical place.
[1] Encinos o Robles (Fagáceas). 27/07/16, de Biodiversidad Mexicana Sitio web: http://www.biodiversidad.gob.mx/especies/gran_familia/plantas/magnoliayMarg/Encinos/encinos.html
[2] Everardo Garduño. (2010). DISTRIBUCIÓN GEOGRÁFICA DE LA FAMILIA ETNOLINGÜÍSTICA YUMANA. Sitio web: http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0187-69612010000200007
[3] Ensenada. 27/07/16, de Baja California Gobierno del Estado Sitio web: http://www.bajacalifornia.gob.mx/portal/nuestro_estado/municipios/ensenada/etnias.jsp
[1] Encinos o Robles (Fagáceas). 27/07/16, de Biodiversidad Mexicana Sitio web: http://www.biodiversidad.gob.mx/especies/gran_familia/plantas/magnoliayMarg/Encinos/encinos.html
[2] Everardo Garduño. (2010). DISTRIBUCIÓN GEOGRÁFICA DE LA FAMILIA ETNOLINGÜÍSTICA YUMANA. Sitio web: http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0187-69612010000200007
[3] Ensenada. 27/07/16, de Baja California Gobierno del Estado Sitio web: http://www.bajacalifornia.gob.mx/portal/nuestro_estado/municipios/ensenada/etnias.jsp